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Product Launch Readiness: How Launch Capabilities Lead to Better Product Launch Outcomes


  • Product launch readiness is key to consistent success.

  • Launch teams focus too much on deliverables and not enough on readiness.

  • Defining and preparing for readiness ensures smoother product launches.


When it comes to product launches, many teams invest significant effort into creating deliverables like presentations, web content, and videos. But there’s a critical element often missing—product launch readiness. It’s not just about the artifacts you create; it’s about ensuring your team is prepared, your processes are defined, and your objectives are clear.

The Concept of Product Launch Readiness

Launch capabilities by functional area, or product launch readiness, is essential for success. Without readiness, even the most well-designed launch materials can fall flat. Readiness means every part of the team—from marketing to product development—knows their role, is aligned with the overall strategy, and is prepared to execute.

The Pitfall: Focusing Too Much on Deliverables

A common trap teams fall into is focusing too much on deliverables. Sure, artifacts like presentations and videos are important, but they don’t guarantee success. Launch readiness is much more than having the right materials in hand. It’s about ensuring every function of the launch process is ready to go. If your team isn’t prepared to implement the strategy behind these materials, the launch won’t reach its full potential.

Why Defining Readiness Matters

So what does readiness look like? It involves asking key questions:

  • Are all departments aligned on the launch objectives?

  • Is there a clear timeline and defined tasks?

  • Does everyone know what success looks like for their role?

When teams define readiness, they can handle unforeseen challenges and course-correct when necessary. It ensures that everyone is focused, collaborative, and prepared to execute the plan.

Shifting Your Focus to Preparation

To improve launch readiness, teams should shift their focus from just “getting things done” to a readiness-first approach. This involves creating a plan that is scalable, repeatable, and adaptable to different products. It starts with laying out your key objectives, aligning your team around these goals, and setting up check-ins to ensure each functional area is prepared.

The Value of Launch Capabilities by Functional Area

A well-prepared team should have launch capabilities across different functional areas. This means that each department—whether it’s marketing, product development, or sales—is clear about their responsibilities. Rather than scrambling to finalize materials at the last minute, these teams should be prepared weeks in advance, ensuring everything is ready for a smooth execution.

Practical Steps to Improve Launch Readiness

To make sure your next product launch is successful, take these steps:

  1. Define Launch Objectives Early: Don’t wait until the last minute to define launch success.

  2. Align Cross-Functional Teams: Make sure every department understands the plan and is fully prepared.

  3. Run Readiness Checks: Regularly assess whether each team is ready to execute their part of the plan.

  4. Prepare for Scalability: Have a process that can be repeated and scaled for future launches.

The Bottom Line

You can’t measure launch success solely by the number of deliverables your team produces. The key to a successful launch is ensuring that your team is truly launch ready. This means setting clear objectives, aligning functional areas, and regularly checking in on the readiness of your team.

Wrap Up

By focusing on product launch readiness, you can ensure that your launch doesn’t just deliver the right materials but also delivers real success. Take time to prepare, align your teams, and keep readiness at the forefront of your strategy.


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