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Dave Daniels is the creator of the BrainKraft Product Launch System and the author of Product Launch Survival Guide


with Dave Daniels


eBook: An Introduction to Product Launch

I'm pleased to announce the availability of our new ebook An Introduction to Product Launch.

The ebook is an excellent summary for folks new to launching products or who need a refresher for an upcoming product launch. It's 29 pages packed full of helpful information.

An Introduction to Product Launch | How to Launch a Product

UPDATE: 31 January 2023

A new ebook with even more details on launching a product was posted: Product Launch: The Ultimate Guide.

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David Daniels
David Daniels
Nov 15, 2021

Some of you may be aware that I am writing a launch book. This ebook is not the book, but it does hint at some of the high-level concepts. The book is still in process!


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