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New Workshop: Mastering Launch Readiness

Are you tired of product launches that fizzle instead of sizzle? You're not alone! A study by Gartner found a whopping 89% of B2B launches don't meet expectations.

You know what’s really annoying about a failed product launch? It’s when there’s so much focus on getting the product ready, we drop the ball on getting the rest of the organization ready. 

Giving the sales team a set of slides isn’t proof they know how to sell the product. Oops, we forgot to get the new SKU into the system! Pricing? Has anyone done the pricing? What do you mean we don’t have a demo?!?!

But there's good news! BrainKraft can help! We offer a powerful 90-minute online workshop called Mastering Launch Readiness.

Upcoming Workshop Dates

Workshop: Master Launch Readiness

Dates/Times: August 27 @ 3PM ET & August 29 @ 9AM ET

Duration: 90 Minutes

Location: Zoom

Mastering Launch Readiness upcoming dates: August 27 at 3pm Eastern and August 29 at 9am Eastern

This workshop is designed for busy B2B professionals like you. You'll learn what you need to ensure your next launch is a success story.

Here's What You'll Get

  • A clear understanding of launch readiness ✅

  • How to assign ownership for key tasks ✅

  • Strategies to track progress and stay on track ✅

  • Confidence to report your launch status to stakeholders ✅

A recent workshop attendee said: "This workshop was a game-changer! We finally have a structured system for launches, and it helped us DOUBLE our expectations on our latest product launch!"

Don't let your next launch become part of the 89% statistic! Register for BrainKraft's Mastering Launch Readiness workshop today! ➡️ link to registration page

Workshop Format

The workshop is only 90 minutes long and is designed to fit in the schedule of busy professionals. We've removed the fluff and focused on the main topic: launch readiness.

A proven method for launch readiness will be introduced along with tools necessary.

There is no pre-work for the workshop. All materials are available for download with a link provided during the workshop.

Private Workshops

Private workshops are available for your team of 5 or more. Please email us at with the subject line "Private Workshop Request".

Turn launch chaos into controlled success!

Mastering Launch Readiness Workshop Links

Workshop Detail: (note this link is to the 08-27-2024 date with a link to additional dates)

All BrainKraft Workshops:

Mastering Launch Readiness a 90-minute online workshop designed for busy professionals

The BrainKraft Product Launch Process Framework

P.S. Share this post with anyone in your network who wants to launch B2B products that rock!

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Aug 31

The fact that this course is addressing the sometimes disregarded facets of launch readiness is excellent. Making sure everyone in the company is on the same page is just as important as having the product ready. To avoid these mistakes, a thorough approach can even lead to the exploration of free thesis topics on successful launch techniques.


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