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Product Launch Intensive

Turn Product Launches into Revenue Engines

Is your upcoming product launch keeping you up at night? The pressure is on, and a misstep could be costly. BrainKraft's Product Launch Intensive is your lifeline, turning launch anxiety into launch excellence in just 90 days.

Get Expert Guidance Every Step of the Way

With BrainKraft, you’re not just following a process—we bring our proven Product Launch System directly to your team, providing real-time, hands-on support. Our experts help you:

  • Transform launch chaos into a well-oiled machine, ensuring every team member is aligned and productive.

  • Set clear, actionable goals for success so everyone knows what winning looks like

  • Develop sharp situational awareness to make informed decisions

  • Craft a go-to-market strategy that not only reaches your audience but compels them to take action

  • Anticipate and outmaneuver competitive threats

  • Create messaging that motivates your audience to act

  • Ensure you’re fully prepared for Day 1 Launch Readiness

  • Continuously monitor and optimize launch performance

  • Build a foundation for repeatable, scalable success

Tailored to Your Needs

We don't believe in one-size-fits-all. We work hand-in-hand with your team, adapting our proven system to your specific product, market, and goals.

Step 1: Assess and Diagnose Your Launch Team Gaps in Days, Not Weeks

We start with a rapid assessment of your current situation, focusing on your team’s experience, the tools at your disposal, and the anticipated business impact. We’ll review your launch process, team structure, and governance to pinpoint where you need to focus.

Step 2: Organize and Align Your Launch Team into Winning Machine

Whether your team is large or small, experienced or new to launches, we level set everyone with the BrainKraft Product Launch System. We’ll help you:

  • Identify and empower a Launch Director and key roles

  • Set clear, measurable launch objectives that get stakeholder buy-in

  • Maximize your collaboration tools to minimize friction and enhance results

Step 3: Empower Your Team to Design and Execute a Flawless Launch

We don’t just tell you what to do—we guide your team through every stage of the launch. Our hands-on approach helps you:

  • Focus on outcome-driven objectives rather than just the deliverables.

  • Build a launch strategy that wins

  • Spot and close launch readiness gaps

  • Empower Readiness Owners to create detailed readiness plans

  • Use the Launch Readiness Tracker to keep everything on track

  • Implement a common collaboration platform to streamline communication and execution

Ready to launch with confidence? Schedule a free consultation to see how we can help you transform your next product launch.

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Product Launch Intensive

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Product Launch Intensive

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The adoption of the BrainKraft Product Launch System was a game changer for us. On previous launches our program management office team had to deal with multiple product teams with different launch processes. Now we have a standardized, consistent approach that’s tailored to our needs.

Cara H., Program Manager

Product Launch Intensive FAQs

What exactly is the BrainKraft Product Launch Intensive?

The Product Launch Intensive is a hands-on service that guides your team step-by-step through a successful product launch. It’s not a course—it’s expert support, applying a proven system to ensure your launch is organized and collaborative.

What does the 90-day timeline include?

The 90-day timeline is an average. We tailor the Product Launch Intensive to fit your specific needs, adjusting the duration as required for your unique launch.

What specific outcomes can we expect from the BrainKraft Product Launch Intensive?

Expect a successful product launch driven by clear, measurable objectives. We focus on Win, Keep, and Grow as primary launch objectives. Win new customers. Keep the customers you win. And Grow the customers you keep.

How experienced are the BrainKraft experts?

Our experts bring decades of experience launching products across various industries, ensuring your team benefits from proven expertise.

What kind of support do we receive during and after the engagement?

You’ll receive hands-on support throughout the entire process. We assist in managing your launch team, including weekly core meetings to track progress and plan next steps.

How does BrainKraft assess our current product launch situation?

We assess your launch situation through a structured set of questions. Most environments can be quickly adjusted to get your launch on the right path.

What tools or platforms will we use during the Product Launch Intensive?

We aim to use your existing tools and platforms, like Teams or Slack, minimizing the need for new investments. Our goal is to make the most of what you already have.

Can the BrainKraft Product Launch System be integrated with our existing processes?

Yes, the BrainKraft system can integrate with your existing processes, provided they aren’t contributing to launch issues. We focus on building on your strengths.

What is the role of a Launch Director, and do we need to appoint one?

The Launch Director leads the launch team and is accountable for its success. We’ll guide them to excel in this critical role.

How do I get started with the BrainKraft Product Launch Intensive?

To get started, fill out the form below, and we’ll reach out to discuss how we can help your launch succeed.

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